Hot & New again

The common sausage. The British banger. The American frank or wiener. Not high on the gourmet list. Grab a quick hot dog on the way to bus-stop or subway. Typical fast food. Bismarck is said to have remarked: “Laws are like sausages – it is best not to see them being made.” Well-minced leftovers stuffed into a length of animal intestine…

Arriving in Vienna, however, the western visitor discovers that the sausage lies at the very foundations of society. In countless different sizes and guises, it is the no. 1 social leveller.
The sausage-stand is, in many senses, a shrine, jealously guarded by Viennese tradition against onslaughts from foreign parts. Read on…
Endlich wieder erhältlich! 2. Auflage

Umfang 160 Seiten
Format 17 x 21,3 cm
Sprache Deutsch/Englisch
Erscheinungstermin 14. Oktober 2024
Preis 28,00 Euro
ISBN 978-3-7025-1154-8

Ausstellung / Exhibition
Radatz beim Karmeliter Markt
Im Werd 1
1020 Wien

Mon – Frei 07:30 – 18:00
Samstag 08:00 – 13:00