Im Rahmen von „VIP Program PARIS PHOTO LOS ANGELES at Fitzpatrick Leland House (2015)“ auf Einladung von YOUNG AUSTRIAN PHOTOGRAPHY werden Teile aus meiner Fotoserie „Österreichische Architektur der Fünfziger Jahre“ präsentiert, co-kuratiert von Mona Kuhn.
In his book project „Österreichische Architektur der 50er Jahre fotografiert von Stefan Oláh“ the vienna based photographer Stefan Oláh offers an unique view on a highly neglected group of architectural works of Austrian post-war modernism. The series includes pictures of different representive types of buidings which all symbolize the so called „Wirtschaftswunder“ in the upraising economy of the young Austrian nation after the second world war. The selected exhibited examples show the former bombed National Chamber of the House of Parliament, the high-tech radiostation at Bisamberg near Vienna and a health and sports spa in the city of Salzburg. Since its publication in 2011 this book has changed the approach in reception and brought up new ideas for preservation strategies of 1950ies architecture in general.
The photographic work of Stefan Oláh produced iconic views: Yesterdays nobodys darlings turned into the stars of today.